Annual Meeting & Election Notice

 Date: Thursday, May 15, 2025

Time: 5:00 p.m.

Location: Sean Patrick’s Restaurant, 3480 Millersport Hwy, Getzville NY  14068

Dinner Reservation (RSVP) is required and is limited to the first 150 members who respond by submitting the request below. A $10.00 deposit is required to stay for dinner. No deposits will be refunded for cancellations or no shows.

Click here to Register

Dear Credit Union Member,

This year, there are three (3) positions open for election on the Board of Directors. Each position is for a three-year term. After careful review, the Nominating Committee, appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, has submitted the following nominations: 

3 Year Term – Edward R. Cavan     (Incumbent)

Since 1976, Ed has been actively involved in the insurance business culminating in him co-sounding an agency in 1984 where they serve the Western New York Community with personal lines insurance coverage and insurance for small businesses. Ed graduated with a BA in Political Science from UB in 1975 and earned his CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter) from the American College in 1986. He has served on the Sweet Home FCU BOE as well as the Erie 1 Boces Board, where he is the vice-president. He is the former President of the Willow Ridge Civic Association where he resides with his wife Veronica, a retired teacher.

3 Year Term – John Radens     (Incumbent)

John was appointed to the Board of Directors in July of 2007 to fill in a vacancy. He has been a member of the Credit Union since 1990. Prior to being appointed to the Board, John served on the Supervisory Committee for 3 years.

3 Year Term – Linda Reimer     (Incumbent)

Linda started her career with the Sweet Home CSD in 1969 and left one year to teach in Indianapolis. She returned to SHCSD in 1970 to finish her professional career as a Junior High/Middle School Math teacher. She retired after 34 years of teaching. Her commitment to the SHFCU is steadfast. Her mission is to see that SHFCU upholds the policies that put members’ financial interests first. Linda has served on the Board of Directors for the last 8 years.

Further nominations may be made by an official petition signed by at least 1%, or 27 eligible Sweet Home FCU members. Official petitions may be obtained at the Credit Union office located at 1960 Sweet Home Rd, Amherst NY 14228. Official petitions must be completed in full compliance with the election rules as set forth in the rules and instructions for the completion of the official petition and must include each signer’s signature and printed name, account number, and the signer’s complete address and telephone number. Official petitions must be accompanied by a signed statement from the nominee that he or she is agreeable to the nomination and will accept office if elected.

Official petitions must be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Directors at the Credit Union office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025. There will be no nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting. In the event there is only one nominee for each position to be filled, the election will not be conducted by ballot and all nominees will be elected to the open positions by the casting of one vote. In the event there is more than one nominee for any position to be filled, voting will take place at the Annual Meeting by means of ballot boxes. Members unable to attend the annual meeting may submit a written request for an absentee ballot. Requests for an absentee ballot must be received by Friday May 9, 2025, and addressed to the attention of the Secretary of the Board of Directors.


Barbara Ciepiela

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americas credit union